Some of you may recall I was having trouble installing RedHat on a HDD
connected to an ISA Adaptec 1542CP.

I've only just had time to visit it again.

I've made significant progress here. I've managed to get RedHat installed by
starting the installer, switching to console 2 which has a bash prompt and
simply typing 'insmod /modules/aha1542.o' before going back to VT7 which has
the installer and continuing. It then detected the card and HDD properly.
Woohoo! RedHat installed without a hitch.

Upon reboot though I have the same problem.

The BIOS of the card allows GRUB to come up, and when hitting enter to start
Linux, it even loads the kernel.


When it comes time to mount sda2 (/ partition). The kernel panics and no
amount of soothing and petting the box, and saying 'it's ok - don't panic'
will stop it from doing so.

So my deduction is - once the kernel loads, it 'drops' the 1542CP BIOS and
in effect 'loses' the card.

So, I need to find a way to load the aha1542.o module before it attempts to
mount sda2.

Can this be done? I've tried editing the GRUB start-up lines to include
'insmod /modules/aha1542.o' in different parts of the sequence. This does
not work (which makes sense) because both 'insmod' and the modules reside on
sda2 I believe. In fact it tells me insmod is not a valid command (yet).

So in short:

Can 'insmod' and the 'aha1542.o' module be copied to the /boot (sda1)
partition and run before mounting the /dev/sda2 partition? I do not believe
so, because logic would tell me that even /boot is lost when the kernel
loads, and the module needs loading after the kernel loads and before /sda2
is mounted.

I have a feeling you're all going to tell me to compile a custom kernel
which has the aha1542.o module built into the kernel.

IF SO, Can I do this on another box without destroying any settings? The
only other box I have access to is a production server and I've never
compiled a kernel before. I will do my own reading on this, it is not
necessary to give me any tips (although it always helps :)), but I really
want to make sure it doesn't screw up anything on the production server. I
can try to figure out (possibly with your help) how to get the kernel onto
the other box with you guys later.

Guru thoughts?


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.

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