> look are the man page for mkinitrd.  you'll need to load that
> module in the initial ramdisk.  then re-run lilo to put it all in
> the boot sector.

Very cool. OK, I understand that part.

I need to modify my /etc/modules.conf before I do this right?

I need to add a line

alias <some scsi name?> aha1542

what do I put directly after the alias?

It's giving me a request_module error on block-major-3

Is that it?

do I need to use just 'aha1542', 'aha1542.o' or the full

P.S. on a hunch I tried 'alias scsi aha1542' but that didn't work.

Thanks for the help so far, I'm nearly there and I promise I'll never ask


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