On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 11:29:39AM -0400, C. Linus Hicks wrote:
: Using MASQUERADE obviates the need for it, but for completeness, isn't
: it a good idea to answer the question as well? Then he can make up his
: own mind. The wisdom of the list comes from the diversity of the people
: on it.

Is it not clear that in order to do SNAT, one must supply the address to
NAT to?  Since that's the case, and your address is changing, that
sort of obviates the ability to use SNAT, so suggesting MASQUERADE not
only answers the question, but also solves your problem. :)

Jason Costomiris <><           |  Technologist, geek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/ 
          Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
                    My account, My opinions.

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