On Thu, 2002-08-01 at 18:35, Jason Costomiris wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 11:29:39AM -0400, C. Linus Hicks wrote:
> : Using MASQUERADE obviates the need for it, but for completeness, isn't
> : it a good idea to answer the question as well? Then he can make up his
> : own mind. The wisdom of the list comes from the diversity of the people
> : on it.
> Is it not clear that in order to do SNAT, one must supply the address to
> NAT to?  Since that's the case, and your address is changing, that
> sort of obviates the ability to use SNAT, so suggesting MASQUERADE not
> only answers the question, but also solves your problem. :)

Perhaps you forgot that I posted a solution for handling the changing
address. I disagree that the changing address makes the ability to use
SNAT unnecessary, as you stated. It makes it more difficult, but not
impossible. Suggesting MASQUERADE answers the question one way. I
answered it a different way. There's more than one way to solve a
problem. That's what is great about the list. Take what you like and
leave the rest.

I have no further interest in this discussion. I can't imagine that
continuing it will further the interests of the list. ;-)


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