It doesn't work with PHP, but you might be able to set up a CGI to run
as a user, and offer to execute predefined commands. Use suEXEC:

On Sun, 2002-07-28 at 14:41, Jesse Angell wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>     I need to setup a php control panel that allows clients to execute
> commands in their home directory.. The only way I can think of doing this
> would be to install it's own apache for the control panel, and have that run
> under a username that has permission to use su $username -c
> /home/$username/palaceserver/bin/start-palace and a few other commands. And
> also make it so that it only has permission to su -c to usernames in the
> "user" group..
> How do I do this,
> and what are the major security risks.. if any?

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