At 10:58 AM -0500 8/28/02, Blake Thornton wrote:
>Does anyone know how I can tell what has been compiled into my kernel? 
>Right now, I would like to know if appletalk has been compiled in, but
>this would seem to be a useful thing to be able to know for any kernel

        Try looking in your kernel ("vmlinuz"?). Look in /usr/src for 
the active kernel.

        You should be able to use "hack" your own kernel, or you can 
go to the kernel source and recompile a new version ("bzimage") with 
the features that you need.
        There's a lot of questions to answer, via an "ncurses" 
screen. It's not hard, though.   ;-)

Patrick Beart

Web Architecture  &  "iWeb4Biz"         503-774-8280       Portland, OR
Internet Consulting, Intelligent Web site Development & Secure site Hosting.

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