On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 11:38:11AM -0400, Kent Borg wrote:

> the following steps:
>  - Physically install new disk (probably as and IDE slave with old
>    disk as master),

That one's fine.

>  - Partition new disk to match partitions of old disk (using fdisk,
>    which will require a bit of learning, the "?" command is useful),

That one as well, though there's no need to match exactly with regard to
size - just make sure that the new partitions are big enough to take all the
stuff that's in the corresponding old partition. As long as you keep the
same number *and* order of partitions, you're fine[0].

>  - Make new file systems in those partitions to match old (using mke2fs
>    if you are using ext2 or ext3, other for others),


>  - Copy everything over to new disk, partition by partition (using cp
>    with -a switch),

I've seen many ways to do this - cp -a is one of them and probably the most
convenient one. The "Tips and Tricks-HOWTO" shows another one, using tar.

However, you shouldn't copy the "lost+found" directories, as they'll
overwrite the ones created by mke2fs on the new drive. Also, as your old
drive is dying, maybe the old lost+found already contain some garbage, which
you don't want to copy to the new drive. I've seen a way to take care of
this automatically (I think it was on one on the RH lists), but it's been a
while and I can't remember the details, unfortunately. I think it involved
'find", but I'm not sure.

Also, do NOT copy /proc! Make a directory /proc on the new drive, but leave
it empty - it'll be used as a mount point for the proc filesystem.

>  - Shutdown, unplug old disk, plug new disk in its place (probably as
>    master now), see if it will boot.

Bzzt! You forgot the boot sector - the new drive doesn't have one, so the
computer wouldn't know how to boot from it... I usually do:

- Shutdown, unplug old disk, plug new disk in its place
- Boot from the bootdisk
- Install Grub in the boot sector ('man grub' or whatever documentation is
  relevant for Grup - I've only ever done it with lilo so far).
- Reboot

New disk in place (hopefully...).


Thomas (who hopes he hasn't missed anything... :-} )

[0] actually, you can even use a completely new partitioning scheme, but
    that's advanced stuff, as you'll have to make sure the new partition
    table is known to the machine (fstab, grub.conf, bootdisk, etc.), hence
    more potential to make a mistake.
                                       ...'cause only lusers quote signatures!
     Thomas Ribbrock | http://www.ribbrock.org | ICQ#: 15839919
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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