Well we have an Installation with RedHat 6.2 and I have seen a continuos scolling of this kind of error, here the error message

Oct  1 15:04:22 host kernel: cdrom: open failed.
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel: hda: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Oct  1 15:04:23 lhost kernel: hda: packet command error: error=0x54
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel: ATAPI device hda:
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel:   Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel:   Invalid field in command packet -- (asc=0x24, ascq=0x00)
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel:   The failed "Start Stop Unit" packet command was: 
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel:   "1b 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel:   Error in command packet byte 23769 bit 0
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel: cdrom: open failed.
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel: hda: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Oct  1 15:04:23 host kernel: hda: packet command error: error=0x54

The problem is that we have no hda!!! so I do not understand the reason of this error

Can anyone help me ?



Dr. Fiorenzi Alessandro  Infogroup S.p.A		        L   .~.
System Administrator	 Via Delle Panche 140                   I   /V\
			 Firenze, IT 50141	                N  // \\
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			 PGP Key: http://www.infogroup.it/ds/fiorenzi.asc
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 Quanto progetti per un decennio, pianta alberi
 Quanto progetti per la vita, istruisci ed educa le persone"

(Antico proverbio cinese)

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