Dude, don't let your spaghetti boil over.


If you do not know the answer to something, it is OK
to admit that you don't know it.

Heck dude there is alot that I don't know, and if someone
asks me, and I don't know, I am Not Ashamed to say
"sorry, I don't know".

There is no shame in not knowing something,
it does not make you 'crippled' or less of a person.

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 09:23 pm, Saul Arias wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 19:39, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> > Okay, I know, check google and the docs, but I KNOW how to do this, at
> > least I did. How does one find out their systems IP info? I know it's
> > something like ipcfg or some such, but I can't remember atm.
> First, read this: http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
> Second, I know the solution to your problem, but since you are a lazy
> parasite who wants the solution spoon fed to it, all the advice I'll
> give you is this: RTFM and STFW.

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