First things first it is an 8.0 release. therefore much technology in it
is new.

Second Never upgrade anything and expect it to work, it is just
torture.  Backup and wipe the disk.  OS's are very complex beasts and
this is a next generation .0 release.  

It has loads of new stuff.

The most reliable distro on the planet is debian.  but they are so far
behind in the software that they offer.

xfreex6 4.1 kde2.2 gnome 1.4

but it is rock solid and will do almost everything. e.g staroffice web
server email server, and has the best ever package management tool

8.0 I think is a the biggest thing that has happened to linux, because
it has such a pretty front end.  The people who buy an os want that. All
menu driven. it will mature and buy the time we get to 8.2 it will all
work well.

But the most reliable is debian, but woody took 2 years to produce and
is without question the best if that's all you need but is hard to

But as a desktop for non linux users RH 8 is the one


On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 02:21, Scott Bower wrote:
> What do I Think?!
> Let me say, I was banking on a better job. I use RedHat at home and at 
> work and in both cases had (and am still having) major problems.  At 
> home I run  a hobby ISP and the implementation of 8.0 I admit wasn't 
> well thought out or exactly planned beforehand let alone trialled before 
> deployment... I was suckered into believing that the upgrade would 
> actually upgrade as it has done every time before. My biggest rush to 
> deployment was as a result of a major drive faltering and the fact that 
> RH8.0 contained JFS which would allow dirty great archives... I 
> should've stayed with 7.3 and copped the data loss.  I spent most of the 
> past week recovering from this upgrade well and truly long after 
> hardware glitches were removed from the equation, finding things just 
> not working and other things segfaulting preventing anything at all 
> useful getting done.  One such incident involved the freshly installed 
> JFS filesystem daemon doing a better job of DoS than any cracker/script 
> kiddie has been able to do thus far. for whatever reason, the system 
> stopped, after fruitlessly getting my wife to try dancing with it (I was 
> at work) I requested she cold boot the server (not even an M$ three 
> fingered salute would work). On booting, the system replayed fs journals 
> and found them good however on automounting, something shit itself (read 
> Core Dumped) and the entire mount process stopped.  The system carried 
> on booting without such inconsequential and irrelevant things as the 
> /usr directory tree.  Needless to say the server did nothing but sit 
> there and pull funny faces. I eventually changed the JFS Mounts to 
> noauto in fstab to allow the bloody thing to work and found that these 
> mounts worked fine when manually mounted (WTF!?!!). A quick shortlist of 
> other showstopping sanity sapping glitches include random configs not 
> converted, not workable or even better just plain disappearing into some 
> other dimension, non functioning daemons pretending to be functional 
> (i.e. lights on, nobody's home...) and musical directory structures... 
> the desktop looks nice though.
> I wanted to front my employer with a desktop SOE based on this new 
> release but it's been plagued with a number of annoying "features"... 
> like random disappearing mozilla and things like that. As a result I'm 
> now looking at other distributions just to save face.  I haven't had 
> this many problems with a computer since I thought Microsoft was the go...
> I am yet to read any of the mails you speak of about the problems other 
> people have been having and I guess I might find a little solice in 
> knowing I wasn't alone.  I will say though that RedHat have blown their 
> own arse off on this one and they can keep their boxed set this time 
> around...
> Scott.
> Joe Giles wrote:
> >This might not be the most appropriate spot for this kind of question, and
> >I will gladly apologize if someone doesn't like it, but I would like to
> >know what you all think about the new Red Hat 8.0. I am downloading the
> >4th CD now and I was going to install it, but in light of e-mails this
> >last week, I'm not sure I want to with all the problems others are having.
> >I have a perfectly good working 7.3 install and I really would like to get
> >others opinions of it before I format and reinstall. I was thinking about
> >installing it on VMWare and giving it a test drive first.
> >
> >Anyway, what do you think; do you like it, or would you wait for the next
> >release (or any fixes)?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >p.s.
> >Again, if the moderators (or anyone else) does not like me to request this
> >information on this list, let me know and I will post elseware...
> >--
> >Joe Giles
> >AOL: mcigiles
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
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