On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 10:00:53AM -0700, Daniel Goldin wrote:
> I recently discovered that earthlink has been blocking emails from my
> computer due to third party relay vulnerability. They sent me a long
> automated email urging me to contact my systems administrator. The
> last thing I want to be is a vehicle for spam, but I am my own
> administrator and a non-programmer at that and have no idea how to
> hack sendmail to fix this problem.
> Has anyone else faced this issue and found a solution? Thanks
> beforehand for any help.
Dave - if you already have sendmail working it is very easy to turn off

        1.  Stop sendmail "service sendmail stop"

        2.  edit "/etc/mail/sendmail.mc"  (make a backup copy first!!!)

        3.  change or remove the options allowing relaying
            (if you need help here, send me a copy of your sendmail.mc
             AFTER removing any security risk info !! or post it.)

        4.  regenerate your sendmail.cf file by issuing:
             "m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/sendmail.cf"

        5.  service sendmail start

Jeff Kinz, Director, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" copyright 2002.  Use is restricted. Any use is an 
acceptance of the offer at http://users.rcn.com/jkinz/policy.html.

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