On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 17:54, Chad Skinner wrote:
> I have ssh setup on the server and can run a remote xwindows application on
> the local machine, but I am trying to setup the system so some of our users
> can run a few of the utilities as root using sudo. The problem is that when
> the user issues the sudo command the xserver drops the connection stating
> invalid authentication. I have seen this before when executing programs as
> root and I had to add localhost using xhost. I have tries adding both
> localhost and the remote ip on both hosts (before and after using ssh to
> reach the remote computer) to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas what I
> need to do to solve this issue.

FWIW I tried this and it worked.  what does sudo env show?  on my test
it was using the ssh tunneled display:

[bhughes@compaq2 bhughes]$ sudo env|grep DISPLAY

[bhughes@compaq2 bhughes]$ sudo -V       
Sudo version 1.6.3

This worked for me on both a 6.0 server with a bootloadof updates and a
7.2 install

Are you using the ssh Xforwarding or setting the display variable


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