--- Tom Whiting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand completely about the wanting to go back
> to something that is real 
> and reasonable. Hell, I've been more than tempted to
> do the same since I 
> upgraded, and I've been using redhat for a good 4
> years. It's disgusting.

I've lived and breathed RedHat for 3 years (since
6.0).  I've helped probably 50 people install it,
suggest it as much as I can, give out CDs to friends
and at conventions, install it on all of my servers
and workstations and at home, and am thinking of being
a RHCE.  In short, RedHat is almost like a religion
for me (:

RedHat did SO much work on SO many tools, I am shocked
and amazed that there is not an easy-to-find menu
editor.  This is like a black eye for an otherwise
well-polished OS.  I can't recommend people try out
8.0 with a good conscience.

Someone else suggested that I look in Start Here for a
Programs button but I don't see it.  I did a
customized install, so it is possible that I didn't
install the package that gives me that functionality. 
Anyway I would have thought it would have been
integral to Gnome.

In IRC last night, I was told by RedHat employees that
it doesn't exist because Gnome 2 didn't have it. 
C'mon, RedHat.. you wrote many other wizards and GUIs,
why should that stop you here.  They said if they
didn't include Gnome 2, there would be an outcry,
which is true.  My guess is they didn't want to start
on a menu editor when an official one is coming and
then they'd have to scrap all of that work or port it
to however Gnome decides to impliment it.  But I'll
bet money the RedHat menu editor looks and acts
different than the Gnome one anyway.

I'm embarrassed to install a not-complete OS for our
LUG members on Saturday, but I will anyway because
despite this, Bluecurve is great and was a good move
on RedHat's part, and they're just exersizing their
right to modify open-source software.  A good menu
editor will come.


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