On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 09:24:04AM -0400, Jeff Bearer wrote:
> I was looking into tunneling NFS a while ago, but it appears that it's
> not easy to send NFS (udp) datagrams through a SSH (tcp) tunnel, I think
> you might have to run NFS over PPP over SSH.  Which I've read is
> inefficient due to forcing UDP into TCP packets.  But not an expert on
> this part if I'm incorrect, somebody will correct me.

I have heard that this is only an issue if the there are lost packets.

Anyway this is like setup a vpn, and there might be other vpn solutions
than ppp over ssh (ipsec, openvpn, tinc...).
> There is also a Secure NFS out there, I don't know where, try google.

Maybe you were mentionning 


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