Try mounting your smb drives from the rc.local file. Create a script
that mounts the drives and place somewhere safe like the /root directory
and call it that way.

It's also more secure if you are using -o username=user, password=pass
in a plain fstab file.

Hope this helps

John the kiwi

On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 13:31, Tom Pollerman wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 09:25:28 -0400
> > Folks:
> > 
> > I'm still trying to solve an irritating issue. I have RH 7.3 on my
> > laptop with a Netgear PCMCIA network card. The Linux boot process
> > tries to start eth0 and mount my SMB drives BEFORE it initiates the
> > PCMCIA slots. As a consequence, obviously, mount can't find the two
> > computers with the SMB drives. So, I have to manually run mount
> > every time I start up the computer. Granted, this isn't all that big
> > a deal but it's inconvenient and I believe it can be made to work.
> > The first thing that comes to my mind is to move up initiating the
> > PCMCIA cards in the boot process. Unfortunately, I can't figure out
> > how to do that. Further, I have no idea whether that even makes
> > sense (are there dependencies that prevent initiating the PCMCIA
> > slots earlier?). 
> > 
> > Does anybody know what to do about this?
> > 
> > 
> > 
>   There was a similar question posed in Linux Journal's "Best of Tech
> Support" Forum in the Dec. 1999 issue. Here's the link:
> Look for the last problem on the page - titled "Boot Process
> Question."
> Hope it helps.................
>                          Best,
>                          Tom
> -- 
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