>I'm pretty sure that Linksys and Dlink uses a *nix as their OS anyway.

I'm not sure what the firmware is based on, but I also have a Linksys for the high 
speed cable access based network in my house.  Have a Redhat 7.3 based firewall/router 
for my DSL based network.  

The Linksys type products are very nice (and easy) for simple networks, but you are 
definately limited in what you can do with them.  The key to ensuring someone can't 
hack your Linux based firewall is to ensure you either use one of the multitude of 
diskette based distros, or if you are determined to use a full distro based IPTables 
version, ensure you run NOTHING else on that system.  No other daemons, other than are 
absolutely required to keep the machine running.  That means NO FTP, no WWW, nothing.  
And keep it up2date!


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