Does firestarter use IPTables as the underlying software to do its work



On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 11:46, Paul DiMarco wrote:
> IMO, I would purchase a LinkSYS or D-Link router.  For $100 CDN I can sleep
> better at night knowing that I am safer than the average bear. ;)
> Considering one member of this list already had his Linux firewall "hacked"
> I would suggest getting a hardware firewall, but that's only my Canadian 2
> cents worth.
> Peace.
>                       Ward William E                                                 
>                       DLDN                     To:       "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           
>                       <wardwe@navseadn.        cc:                                   
>             >                Subject:  RE: Linux as a firewall     
>                       Sent by:                                                       
>                       redhat-list-admin                                              
>                       10/17/2002 01:13                                               
>                       PM                                                             
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Speaks, Chuck W. [mailto:Chuck.Speaks@;]
> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:40 AM
> Subject: Linux as a firewall
> I have recently gotten a new machine at my house with WinXP Pro.  However,
> I'd like to place something between the XP machine and my broadband
> connection that will act as a firewall.  I'd like to rebuild my old machine
> as Linux and build it as a firewall.
> Currently I work with Linux as the OS for our database servers, but have
> never setup a secure Linux firewall system.  I realize I can Google or
> but I would like to see if any of you have favorite documents or websites
> for such info.  If you have any links to good docs on learning and setting
> up Linux in this type of environment, I would appreciate it.
> Thanks!
> Chuck
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 Aly Dharshi
 Student and System Administrator ORS Servers

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    that's short enough to be interesting
    and long enough to cover the subject"

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