From: "Todd A. Jacobs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB hard drive with Linux?
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 02:27:26 -0700 (PDT)

You might be running into problems with the USB bus itself. You didn't say
whether or not you were running USB 2.0 or not. If you're using USB 1.x,
you're in for a very painful ride. Get an adaptor card (~30 dollars or so)
so that you can get the full bandwidth from your 2.0 device.
Yes, at this point am running just USB 1.1. Everything in the unit's documentation makes it sound like 1.1 should work okay, albeit slower. And it does work at 1.1 on my 98 box. Speed isn't my primary concern, but faster is better. I'll go shopping for a USB 2.0 adapter soon.
When you say "painful", do you mean there are more problems, or simply a lot slower?

with USB. Firstly, I occasionally get "uninterruptable sleeps" on some of
my USB devices. In most cases, it requires a hard reset of the system,
since at this point the USB drivers cannot relinquish the resources.
My purpose for this unit is for short-term backups (flat & reinstall) only (and carrying over to the folk's house to clean up their hosed system. That's why I liked the USB aspect, I could put up with the slowness for the portability. To get 40GB worth of ZIP disks probably would cost $600.

Thirdly, Red Hat up to (and including) 8.0 can't seem to unmount the drive
Did you ever get it working under RH7.2?

And lastly, on my 120GB drive, it took FOREVER to format the drive with
ext3 under USB 1.1 (which I did before I got the adaptor card).
Forever ~ many hours, overnight, two weeks? I tried overnight and it was still 5xx/1024.

Thanks for the help!

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