If u look in your kernel source configs dir you find
config files for many arch.

 --- Jeremy Hein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: >
Does anyone have step by step instructions to
> recompile a kernel or can 
> possibly help me? And please don't point me to the
> kernel howto since 
> I've been down that road. I've tried several times
> all with different 
> problems. First of all, I am recompiling because I
> want to add ntfs, 
> ipx, and possibly some others in the future. I
> normally begin by running 
> make xconfig, but the problem is I don't want to
> look through every 
> option (half of which are totally unknown to me). Is
> there a way to load 
> the current kernel configurations? I then run make
> dep and make clean 
> and make bzImage. If I copy the bzImage and put the
> "kernel /bzImage" 
> command in grub, then my new kernel boots with the
> ntfs support, but it 
> doesn't mount my ethernet card and it complains
> about not having ext3 
> support and there's nothing but kernel.h in my /boot
> directory?!?! If 
> instead of copying the new kernel, I do a make
> install, then it appends 
> custom to the name of the kernel files in my /boot
> directory and creates 
> a new section in my grub.conf file, but when I boot
> with it, it has a 
> heart attack (kernel panick) and says something
> about my root=LABEL 
> being a problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Jeremy
> -- 
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