Title: RE: Security with TCP Wrappers


For an Subnet, your entry in the hosts.allow should be

        in.telnetd :

Change the Ip Adress and Subnetmask to your, that should be all


     -----Original Message-----
    From:   David Davenport [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent:   Monday, October 28, 2002 12:27 PM
    Subject:        Security with TCP Wrappers

    Dear All

    I'm new to Linux so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.

    I am trying to disable telnet access from certain systems/subnets to a Linux Server. I understand this can be acheievd by adding entries to the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files.

    I have added

    in.telnetd: x.x.x.

    to the allow file (where x.x.x is the subnet that I want to allow telnet access)

    and I have added

    in.telnetd: ALL

    to the deny file

    So in theory this should allow access to x.x.x subnet and deny everything else?

    Problem is I can still telnet from anywhere

    Am I missing something?


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