1) Boot with the RH7.3 install CD.
2) type in "linux rescue" at the prompt rather than enter to install.
3) it should tell you what to type to set the root (/) to your harddrive install, 
something line "chroot /mnt/sysimage"
4) cd /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc5.d (rc3.d if you don't start the gui)
5) mv SNNKudzu sNNKudzu where NN is the numeric.
6) reboot

That will disable kudzu from running on startup. You can rnu it manually aftrewards to 
see if you can determine the real issue.

Larry Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have finished installing Red Hat 7.3, generated a
>boot diskette. When the system starts coming up
>everything looks ok so far until we get to "LOOKING
>FOR NEW HARDWARE" Nothing happens here and it stops
>and doesn't ever go past this point. No messages or
>anything appear it just stays there forever. Can I
>somehow get past this point in the boot or any
>sugestions on what to try next to change whatever is
>causing this to freeze up. Thanks!!   
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