On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 21:45, J.R Ong wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I recently got a new hard drive and replaced my old hard drive (which had Red 
> Hat 7.2 installed on it) with it. I installed Red Hat 8.0 on the new drive 
> and everything worked smoothly. However, now I need to get some important 
> data off my old hard drive. I jumpered it up in my PC as a slave drive, but 
> whenever I try booting my PC, for some reason, GRUB seems to try booting from 
> it too - it gets confused with the partition mounts and then gets 
> interminably stuck while trying to load the system logger.
> How do I resolve this problem? Would it be possible for me to re-wire the old 
> drive as a master again, and then boot up into RH7.2 and change /etc/fstab so 
> there are no conflicts? I don't understand hardware very well - if I wire a 
> drive up as a slave, surely it shouldn't try and start up during the boot 
> process?
> Any suggestions and opinions welcome, as I am at a dead end!

Probably you've set labels on the partitions which will be detected at
bootup. Probably removing the labels form your old drive may cause
problems because you can't boot the system with the old drive active.

Probably the best way to go is to adjust your /etc/fstab file in such a
way it doesn't depend on labels anymore. (you may wan't to save this
file and place it back after you migrated your old disk to the new one)


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