ok, i got a couple computers behind a linksys cable router.  the way i setup 
ntp is really simple.  on each computer, i set the step-ticker to 
clock.via.net in /etc/ntp/step-tickers.  then i just had the service startup 
at boot time by using redhat's setup utility.  my question is do i have to 
open up ports on my firewall?  and if i open up a port, it will only work for 
one of the computers behind the firewall.  can i configure ntp to use a 
certain port?  i.e. computer A's ntp uses port 6001 and computer B's ntp uses 
port 6002?  that way i can set my firewall to route certain ports to certain 

hmm, now that i think about it.  if i can open up 1 port for ntp and config my 
router to send packets on that port to all computers, that would work right?  
since the packets should be the same for any computer since the time should 
be the same for both computers?


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