I think that your problem is the following:
You have installed lilo when you had rh on the box and have not removed 
it before you wiped the disk.  Lilo is now sitting on the bootsector of 
drive.  You are suppose to be able to remove it with
fdisk /mbr
using the windows startup disk.
In my experience, this almost never works.  What i would suggest is that
you start up in rescue mode and run linux's fdisk.  Remove all partitions
and afterwords do a dd writing binary zeroes to the first 512 bytes of the
disk.  This will wipe the bootsector.
the command would be:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
This is if the disk we are talking about is the first ide disk.
regards, Willem
ps.  You would get a lot more use from your old pentium running a custom
install of linux.

On Tue, 5 Nov 2002, Barry Lee wrote:

> I recently decided to finally use a copy of Red Hat 6.2 on an old
> Pentium machine with a 1.3G drive. I found that when I had installed Red
> Hat there was not enough disk space left to do anything worthwhile and
> so, having bought a copy of Red hat 7.3 I decided to install that on a
> partition of my main computer instead and I am now beginning to
> experiment with it.
> I decided I would reinstall Windows to the old computer.
> However, I am now unable to get any version of Windows to install on the
> old hard drive. I have low level formatted, repartitioned and tried
> installing Windows 3.1, Windows 98 and Windows ME, all to no avail. The
> errors that come up differ with each version of windows but none of them
> get past the first part of the setup programme. Scandisk tells me there
> are no errors on the drive.
> What is going on?
> Has Red Hat made the hard drive unusable for anything except Linux?
> Barry Lee.

Willem van der Walt
Information Services Directorate
Department of Health
South Africa
tel: 27 12 3120700

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