Hello List ,


The facts  :


A fresh Redhat 8.0 installation on a 1Ghz Hp Vectra 400 pc.

1 Harddisk as master on IDE1. ( hda ) containing following file systems : /boot ( hda1) ; / (hda2)  and swap ( hda3)


The pc is unable to boot from the hd , only from a floppy boot disk. ( created at installation )

It seems to be a problem on al the hp vectra pc's. ( other people mentionned the same problem , but nobody knew the solution )


This list suggested me to look at the manuals for grub , which I did.

I tried to install grub on the master boot record with the grub-install command. Everything looked fine , but after a reboot it didn't work.


What am I doing wrong here. I must install on the MBR because I have only one Operating system , right ?


Tips , hints and suggestions more then welcome , because I'm a bit stuck here....















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