Hi, folks.

I have just finished building a RH7.3 box that is going to host a
couple of MUSHes.  For historical reasons that I won't bother going
into, the published address of one of them is port 670.  On the hosting
machine that I'm replacing, this required that that MUSH be run as root
in order to service the low port.

On this new box, I plan on running the MUSH on port 6700 so I can run
it as non-root, and redirecting incoming traffic on 670 to 6700 so we
don't need to change all the external references and inconvenience all
the users.  I have set up an ipchains command to redirect 670 to 6700,
and can connect and talk to the MUSH just fine by pointing my client to

So much for the background.  The problem I'm experiencing is that
redirected connections are unceremoniously disconnected if they're idle
for more than about four minutes.  If I set up my client to send
something (anything) every 240 seconds, then all is sweetness and
light, but if I let it go idle for more than that, I get disconnected.

If I connect directly to the MUSH on port 6700, I can leave the
connection idle all day and not get dropped, so it appears that this
behaviour is unique to redirected connections.

Can anyone suggest what is causing this four-minute timeout, and more
importantly, how I extend or disable it?

My ipchains rules are as follows:
[root@strathfayr game]# ipchains -L
Chain input (policy REJECT):
target     prot opt     source                destination          
ACCEPT     udp  ------          anywhere             
domain ->   1025:65535
icmp       icmp ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   any
ACCEPT     tcp  !y----  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   any
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   any
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   ssh
ACCEPT     tcp  ------       anywhere              any
->   telnet
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere             
bootps:bootpc ->   bootps:bootpc
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere             
bootps:bootpc ->   bootps:bootpc
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   ntp
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              ntp
->   any
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   3052
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              3052
->   any
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   3052
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              3052
->   any
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   6250
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   6700
REDIRECT   tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   670 => 6700
Chain forward (policy REJECT):
Chain output (policy ACCEPT):
target     prot opt     source                destination          
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   any
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   any
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   ssh
ACCEPT     tcp  ------       anywhere              any
->   telnet
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere             
bootps:bootpc ->   bootps:bootpc
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere             
bootps:bootpc ->   bootps:bootpc
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   ntp
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              ntp
->   any
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   3052
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              3052
->   any
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   3052
ACCEPT     udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              3052
->   any
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   6250
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any
->   6700
Chain icmp (1 references):
target     prot opt     source                destination          
ACCEPT     all  ------  anywhere             anywhere              n/a
[root@strathfayr game]#

Thanks in advance,
  Jon Etkins
  Austin, TX

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