This might be a better mail note for the SAMBA lists, but I though I'd
try here first...

I have SAMBA and WINBIND installed on an 8.0 server. I have it
configured EXACTLY like my 7.3 server (which works great)

When I try to do a getent passwd |grep username so it will reply with a
DOMAIN+username response, it just hangs. Also, now when I try to log
into ssh using a LOCAL username, it hangs at the password. I have
changed the sshd pam config file to include I have also
made the change in the nsswitch.conf file to look at files and winbind.
Any idea as to why this doesn't work for 8.0? Maybe one of the many
issues 8.0 is having?

I also, for reverence, have the samba server joined into the NT domain.
Also, I was able to do the getent passwd |grep username before I changed
the pam files for local login. 

Joe Giles
AOL: mcigiles

Registered Linux User #264910

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