Title: RE: Screen (not monitor) usage

To add specifics to the below:

You can:
screen /usr/local/script-of-some-sort
1.  (to detach from the 'screen' without stopping what it is doing:  hold down the (control) button and press A then D.)

2.  Whenever you want to resume the screen,  type: screen -r

Repeat steps 1 and 2 as often as you'd like.

(screen rox)

Richard Tricoche / Systems Engineer /  RPA Wireless
PGP FingerPrint: BA3A 4D29 F3CF 172A D90B  05AA 6C1E 65BC C19F F6F1

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan M. Slivko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: Screen (not monitor) usage


Yes, that would be a *perfect* example of how you can use screen.
-- Jonathan

Jonathan M. Slivko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Web: http://www.speakeasy.net/~jslivko/
"Linux: Who Do You Want To Hack Today?"

On 12 Nov 2002, Justin Ellison wrote:

> Hi all,
>       Does anyone have some real-world examples of how they use the screen
> command?  It looks handy, but the man page eludes me on how it works.
> Basically, is there a way I can ssh from work to home, fire up screen
> on the home box, start a kernel compile, exit from the screen, and ssh
> back into it later - without interrupting the build?
> TIA,
> Justin
> --
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