On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Douglas Alan wrote:
> Ever since I upgraded to Red Hat 8.0, the virtual consoles have become
> broken.  They work when I first boot the computer, but after some amount
> of time they stop working.  I.e., if I type ctrl-alt-F1 or ctrl-alt-F2,
> etc., all I get is a black screen.
> Since I usually run at run-level 3, this is particularly annoying.  I
> have to go to another computer and ssh to my computer in order to run
> startx.
> Any idea what is going on and how I can fix it?

I always got VT's to work using "right-alt-f2" etc, I think the control
keys may be screwing you up.

Make sure you also have mingetty installed, and check your log files for
references to mingetty, spawning, and tty's.

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