
        Hello!  I've installed RedHat 8.0 on my Dell Inspiron 8200 and have found a
few problems.

        1.  My NetGear MA401 wireless adapter does not work.  I've configured it as I
have in Windows XP.  Channel, Speed, and Pass Phrase.  (No option for 64bit
encryption, but that is what my router is setup to use.)

        2.  While there appears to be a Pilot/Handspring utility. I can not get the
RH8 to recognize the Handspring at all.  I've tried to reboot with the cradle
attached as well as with the configuration utility.  One thing I've noticed is
there is no device for the handspring. Neither a /dev/pilot or /dev/visor.

        3.  When I run hwbrowser, thinking it might help me move forward. It simply
disappears after showing an empty window (the GUI looks ok, but the info is
not filled in.)  I can attach the error if need be.

        4.  The NVidia GForce 4 video card does not allow for hardware acceleration,
while I've not found any hardware compatibility specs for the model of laptop
I have, the 8100 states that you should not turn it on.  By what is the nv
driver?  Nvidia?  The install set mine to vesa.

That's about it... Any help, pointers, suggestions would be greatly


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