On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 14:39, Christopher Henderson wrote:
> So ATI recently released some new and updated accelerated drivers that
> also support Red Hat 8.  I downloaded and read over the instructions
> very very carefully. I removed the XFree86-Mesa libs as it asked
> without a hitch and then proceeded to install the fglrx drivers as
> stated.  I ran the config program and generated an XFree86.conf file. 
> Then I run startx and errorvile - can't find a screen it claims.  Now
> I've run xfree86cfg (is that the command-line one? or is it
> xfree86conf) before in the past and am no stranger to most of those
> questions - I've set up X before via that kind of program under Red
> Hat, Slackware, Debian, and FreeBSD - all without a problem.  I know
> what settings my monitor has and I know what it needs.  But this has
> me stumped.  I'm obviously not a guru so I can't really figure it out
> - heres my error log as generated....

> (II) FireGL8700/8800: Driver for chipset: ATI R200 QH (AGP),
> ATI R200 QL (AGP), ATI R200 QT (AGP), ATI R200 BB (AGP),
> Radeon RV250 If, Radeon RV250 Ig, Radeon RV250 Lf (M9),
> Radeon RV250 Lg (M9), Radeon RV250 Ld (M9), Radeon R300-4P AD,
> Radeon R300-4P AE, Radeon R300-4P AF, Radeon R300-4P AG,
> Radeon R300 ND, Radeon R300 NE, Radeon R300 NF, Radeon R300 NG
> (II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:05:0
> (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:5:0)
> found
> (EE) No devices detected.

What does the XF86Config file say about BuSID PCI 1:5:0? Can I look at
your XF86Config file.

Stephen Torri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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