On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 10:17:11PM -0500, R P Herrold wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Ed Wilts wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 07:02:27PM -0500, Steve Howard wrote:
> > > Can I set an upper level directory, /home/user, for example for each
> > > user? I have been able to do this with ftp, but can I do it with ssh?
> > 
> > You mean you want to chroot the user so that they can't transfer files
> > outside of that directory?  If so, the answer is no, openssh does not
> > support this.  Any user that has ssh access to your system (or sftp via
> > the openssh server) has regular access to every file, including your world
> > readable password file.  This limitation is why I claim that ftp is
> ehhh? If you don't trust them, keep them off your hosts.  If
> you can't keep them off a host you admin, don't keep anything
> on _that_  host or in that network segment you wouldn't share 
> freely.  

Here's the problem, and I'll let you suggest some solutions that are
actually secure.  If you can solve this, you're a better techie than I am.
Allow hundreds of authenticated users scattered throughout the
Internet to transfer files.  Restrict uploads to pre-determined
directories and downloads to other pre-determined directories.  Allow
automated processes to easily do this.  Trivial to do with wu-ftpd and
the ftpaccess file, but I've never found a way to allow an scp to honor
any sort of directory restrictions.  If any user has scp/sftp access, 
then they can simply use this or remote command execution to grab my
system password file, something they certainly can't get via wu-ftpd.
Did I mention that I don't trust these users, even though they're my
customers.  I don't expect them to do anything nasty, but that doesn't
mean I trust them either.  No user should *ever* be able to see the data
of any other user unless authorized (typically via group membership).

> Failing that, the restricted shell approaches might help.  

If ssh is enabled, I believe that any user can simply do this from
another box:
ssh <remote-system> <command>
and the login shell is bypassed.  I do not believe that you can prevent
the command line from being executed, even if the users have a
restricted shell.  login is not used for remote command execution.

Suggestions greatly appreciated.
Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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