I'm running the httpd-2.x packages from RH8, rebuilt on RH 7.3. Working great, thus far.. Now I'm trying to configure DAV access to a directory.. I chgrp'd the dir to apache and made it group writeable. Next I setup Digest Auth on that directory, loaded mod_dav & mod_dav_fs. I can connect, authenticate, mount the directory (Mac OS X Clients), see files, pull down files, delete files - no trouble at all with those operations. However, I can't upload ANYTHING. Every time I try to upload files, I get told that the file already exists. Also can't create directories either..

Any suggestions? The webdav faq wasn't helpful on this topic..


Jason Costomiris <><
E: jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org / W: http://www.jasons.org/
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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