Hello All,
I am having 14 GB HD.
I Partitioned it using DOS  as below.
C:\  NTFS  4GB   Windows 2000
D:\ FAT32  4Gb   Extended
E:\ FAT32  3 Gb  Extended
Remaining I left as non DOS partition for installing Linux.

I am trying to install RH 8.0 on remaining non dos partition and for this I
am booting from the RH8.0 cd1.
the system boots from Cd for installation but when it tries to check
partition, it is not proceeding further ......it gives.....

Checking Partitions:
(And it stops here ...)

The same problem is also observed with RH 7.3 installation.
But for RH 7.2 installation ...at the same point (partition check) it waits
for some time around 4-5 Seconds and gives some timeout error and proceeds
further. so I could install 7.2 , but couldn't 8.0 or 7.3

What is the reason and how can I solve this? Is it because Linux cannot
detect hda as it is a NTFS partition???

Please help me!!



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