Manoj said:
> Hello All,
> I am having 14 GB HD.
> I Partitioned it using DOS  as below.
> C:\  NTFS  4GB   Windows 2000
> D:\ FAT32  4Gb   Extended
> E:\ FAT32  3 Gb  Extended
> Remaining I left as non DOS partition for installing Linux.

what kind of disk, what kind of controller? what kind of computer?

I've never seen the linux kernel care about what kind of partition
is on the system while its scanning at that point where it freezes for
you. NTFS, HPFS, FAT, UFS, whatever, it shouldn't matter. The other
redhat 7.2 was it that spit out a timeout error is more interesting
though, can you post to the list exactly what the error is?

also, you don't need to make a non-dos partition for linux, it's best
to just leave the space unpartitioned. And by extended I assume you
mean there is 1 extended partition and D: and E: are logical drives
within it?


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