On Sáb 07 Dic 2002 01:53, Jean Fleurant (root) wrote:
> I'd like to use postgres database to run a buletin board called phpBB2.
> I'm pretty new in linux and I've spent almost 2 days trying to start the
> postgrea database.
> In the documentation that come in the installation, it is always
> specified to run "postmaster -D /database_path/" but I don't know what
> is the database path.

PostgreSQL comes with pg_ctl, which is a script for starting and stoping 
PostgreSQL. Now if you installed from rpm (RedHat rpm), just start it as any 
other service:

service postgresql start

Good Luck!

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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