Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
On Saturday 07 December 2002 08:24 am, Jean Fleurant wrote:
I've started the service and did not receive any error message.

Now I'd like to have acceess to a datatbase.  I think that I need to
start the postmaster.

I've run command "postmaster -D /var/lib/pgsql/data/" but I get
following error message:
FATAL 1:  could not read permissions of directory /var/lib/pgsql/data/

If you already started the service, then assuming the database is running in 
the background, you don't need to run the postmaster command. To connect to 
the database (via console), simply run 
$ pgsql

Basically, if you installed postgres using redhat rpm, others has explained to 
you how to start the service using redhat's script.

If you install postgres from scratch (ie. compile your own), then you need to 
start the service using that "postmaster -D /database/path" command, as the 
database user, which can be anything. For example, if you create this user as 
postgress (root$ adduser postgress), then do su - postgress, and run that 
command (ie. postmaster). 

postgres is required to have read and write access to the /database/path/, 
which can be anywhere. In my case, I choose the /database/path to be 
/home/postgres/data, and postgress is able to read and write to 
/home/postgres/data. So I started my database service as

postgres$ postmaster -D /home/postgres/data

And as others have also pointed out, if you need to connect using php, run 
with the option -i to enable ip connection, eg:

postgress$ postmaster -Di /home/postgres/data

Hope that helps.
Reuben D. Budiardja

Thanks Reuben. It is now working.

Now I have a better understanding of the users concept.

I appreciated that you helped the newby that I am with complete explanations. Thanks again,


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