RH 62, RH72, and RH73 all up to date.

Have a ntp server which queries internet time serves, this is a RH62 system,
that serves as a time server to the private network.  I'm upgrading this
system to RH80 so I am moving services to other servers in the transition. 

Have a RH72 system and configured the ntp.conf to get its time from the same
systems that RH62 was getting them from.  ntptrace <RH72 system> reveals
that it is in fact getting time from one of those internet time servers.
Seems to be working.

I tried to do a manual check on a workstation (RH73) using:

   rdate -s <RH72 system>

But this responded as connection refused.  Hmm... so I check xinetd, which
has a time and a time-udp config file in /etc/xinetd.d directory.  These
both were disabled so I enabled them and now the rdate command above works.

However, now I realize that what I thought I new about ntp is off a bit.  So
I plead for anyone to set me straight. How do I check that my clients are
getting time correctly from <RH72 system>.  The config file, ntp.conf is a
non complex config file.  I had thought that rdate used ntp but that doesn't
seem to be the case.

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