On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Michael Tyrrell wrote:

> I am running Red Hat 8.0 If I try to read the man pages I get the
> garbage you see below. This problem is on all servers I install Red Hat
> on. I have this problem no matter how I access the server Xwindows or
> Telnet. I've also tried different terminal types. When I print the man
> page it looks just as bad. 
> Any help would be appreciated Thanks.
>        lp â send requests to an LPRng print service
>        lp [ âA ] [ âB ] [ âc ] [ âG ] [ âm ] [ âp ] [ âs ] [ âw ] [ âd
> dest ]
>             [ âf formâame [ âd any ] ] [ âH specialâandling ]
>             [ ân number ] [ âo option ] [ âP pageâist ]
>             [ âq priorityâevel ] [ âS characterâet [ âd any ] ]
>             [ âS printâheel [ ât title ]
>             [ âT contentâype [ âr ] ] [ ây modeâist ]
>             [ âX path ] [ âD debugâptions ]
>             [ file...  ]

besides supplying the standard answer, can someone provide the *optimal*
contents for the file /etc/sysconfig/i18n in red hat 8.0?


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