On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 13:02, James Pifer wrote:
> We have Redhat 8.0 installed on a Compaq G2 DL360 Dual 1.4ghz/133mhz,
> 512 cache,  1280MB RAM, Smart Array 5i controller. 
> The problem is it locks up every so often. There's nothing significant
> in /var/log/messages. Anyone having any problems with these systems? Any
> suggestions on figuring out what is causing the problem?
> We haven't done much because we're not really sure what to do in this
> situation. No errors, no signs, all of the sudden, just stops.... It has
> done this both with X windows running and with it not running. Right now
> we're running top to see if it gives us any indications when it does
> lockup. Any suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> James

One of the things you can do is make sure that you have all the latest
firmware and bios patches installed from Compaq.

Can you give us a description of what "locks up" means?
Does it turn off?  Does it just freeze and stop responding to the
keyboard and mouse?  Is the monitor still on?  Does the text or
X-display on the monitor stay there when the box freezes?  What about 
network access?  Can you still ping the box?  Can you ssh into it?

I have a few DL360's here loaded with Linux 6.2 & 7.1 and they have been
up for several hundred days without a problem, so I know it isn't a 
hw-compatability issue. It has to be either a problem with the hardware
or the firmware.  

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