It's 30 Apr 98  05:51:27,
We'll return to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and All's
discussion of How to configure Linux to use ISP's proxy server

 an> connection working. I can ping the DNS and browse the WWW pages on my
 an> ISP's server. I now need to set up Linux so that it can send requests
 an> to the ISP's proxy server and gain access to the WWW beyond the proxy
 an> server.
 an> I remembered that Netscape had the facility to specify a proxy server
 an> and tried to set that up using the named domain name. Netscape said
 an> that the host didn't exist (I wasn't online at the time), so I put in
 an> the numerical IP address of the proxy server. Netscape accepted this,
 an> but when I fired up pppd and got the connection, it didn't recognise
 an> the host.

Netscape is where you setup the proxy details.  You need both the
hostname (or IP) of the proxy and the port it listens on for proxy
requests.  Common ports are 8080 snd 80.  It's worth checking your ISP's
web pages, as many ISPs have this sort of information online for their
customers.  BTW, DON'T enter anything in the Socks proxy box, unless
your ISP specifically says so.  Most ISPs don't have a Socks proxy for
users, as it's not needed (Socks is most commonly used in corporate

 an> I presume I now have to set up the details of the proxy server within
 an> a file in /etc or /etc/ppp , but I don't know where to add it.

No, Netscape is the only place you need to enter the information.  (Just
did it yesterday after installing Netscape under X myself :) ).

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