At 11:46 AM 5/4/98 -0400, Jake Colman wrote:
>I successfully got PPP up and running using the network configuration tool
>the control panel.  It works like a charm.  My questions are:
>1) How to I get it up and running if I don't want to to start X

ifconfig ppp0 up
ifconfig ppp0 down

>2) How do I limit the ability to start/stop PPP to specific users

chmod +s /sbin/ifconfig
chmod +s /usr/sbin/pppd

This is the easyest way to do it, though it may not be the most secure.

>3) Where is the the information used by the network configuration tool
>   I would have expected to find some ifconfig command for interface setup in
>   an rc script somewhere but did not find any.

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts  ifcfg-ppp0


>Jake Colman                     
>Principia Partners LLC                  Phone: (201) 946-0300
>Harborside Financial Center               Fax: (201) 946-0320
>902 Plaza II                           Beeper: (800) 505-2795
>Jersey City, NJ 07311                  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                       E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                          web:

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