At 12:36 PM 5/4/98 -0700, you wrote:
>At 11:46 AM 5/4/98 -0400, Jake Colman wrote:
>>I successfully got PPP up and running using the network configuration tool
>>the control panel.  It works like a charm.  My questions are:
>>1) How to I get it up and running if I don't want to to start X
>ifconfig ppp0 up
>ifconfig ppp0 down

  I tried that and I did not get an error, but nothing happend. The curser
came back right after I hit enter and... nothing. I type the down command
and the same thing, nothing. What does that mean since I dont get an error.
I also have a working connection through Xwindows and have not been able to
login without X. Everytime I try (I have used a couple HowTo's so my system
is probably screwed now) this is what happens. Although one time it did
change my prompt to my isp's domain name, though I was not connected
  Are "up" and "down" a script and "ifconfig" a program that are supposed
to be in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory? Is this the program
that X actually uses to dial and make a connection?
  It seems that there are alot of ways to make Linux dial amd make a ppp
connection. Doing it in X was a snap but from the command prompt has just
caused me grief. I had hoped this would work :(

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