
>My redhat 4.2 is already installed, and I just want to recompile the
kernell for my ethernet card support.
Here s a details that I found about how to do it:(sorry for the long text
)..Please, could someone modify this text and adapt it to the only act of
recompiling my kernel for ethernet support..and take out what I do not need
to do:Kernel recompiles

     This is a brief introduction to the steps in a kernel recompile. More
detailed information can be
found in the Linux Bible. Note, recompiling a kernel is a potentially
destructive proceedure, make

     You will need to have installed the development package with your
linux installation. The gcc
program, linraries and associated utilities will be required. You will also
need a copy of at least one
source distribution of a kernel. The example that follows is for a Intel
based machine and not a PPC,
Alpha, or some other processor. 

     First you will need to get a kernel source distribution and uncompress
it and untar it into the
     /usr/src directory. I generally rename the linux directory to
something more descriptive of its
     version number and make a sym link to the name linux (to make later
kernel upgrades easier).
     So now I should be in directory:
     Next it is time to issue the command make config. This is the hardest
part of the proceedure.
     You will be prompted with a few dozen questions regarding your machine
hardware and your
     preferences for serverices such as netwroking, file systems etc. A
detailed review of these
     questions and what they mean will be posted here soon. 
     Next issue the command make dep ; make clean to create the file
dependencies and remove
     old object code from the source tree. 
     Once this is done you are ready to start the compilation of the
kernel. This may take anywhere
     where 20 minutes to an hour depending on the cpu and memory
configuration of your
     computer. I use the command make zImage to create my kernel. 
     Hopefully this will succeed and you will have a new kernel. You can
now copy this kernel to
     your root directory. Note, you should make a copy of your old kernel
and edit your
     /etc/lilo.conf file to look something like:


     Note that here I have a old version (hopefully tested as stable)
called vmlinuz.old that is
     referenced via lilo with the line linux.old. I would most likely use
commands like:

     cp /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old
     cp /usr/src/linux/arc/i386/boot/zImage /vmlinuz

     Next you need to issue the command lilo to read the lilo.conf file and
ready the system for
     reboot. You should see the command echo back the name of each image
referenced in the
     lilo.conf file. 
     The final step is to reboot the computer on the new kernel. Issue the

     sync;sync;shutdown -r -t0 now 

     to reboot your machine as the new kernel. 

Sony Lloyd Ponton
5136 De Gaspe
Montreal, QC
Tel: (514)279-1921
Email adress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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