
It doesn’t look like you’re solving the generic “content negotiation using 
ephemeral query parameters” with RDAP-X, but only looking to address extension 
signaling that is a new feature and that overlaps with the approach being taken 
in draft-gould-regext-rdap-versioning.  As posted previously, we’re looking to 
update draft-gould-regext-rdap-versioning to support extension signaling via a 
query parameter as well as RDAP-X, where the extension signaling will support 
an extensible set of extension versioning types starting with opaque and 
semantic versioning.  I don’t view providing the client preference on what RDAP 
extensions to include in the response as HTTP “content negotiation”, since it’s 
at the level of the RDAP application protocol.  If the redirection services 
have an issue with query parameters, then RDAP-X can be used as an option for 
the clients of the redirection service if RDAP-X was made to be a more generic 
query parameter alternative in RDAP.

How about making the RDAP-X hedgehog broader into a super hedgehog by solving 
the more general query parameter issue with redirection services?





James Gould
Fellow Engineer

12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190


From: Jasdip Singh <jasd...@arin.net>
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 10:27 AM
To: James Gould <jgo...@verisign.com>, "regext-cha...@ietf.org" 
Cc: "regext@ietf.org" <regext@ietf.org>, "a...@hxr.us" <a...@hxr.us>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [regext] RDAP-X draft adoption

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links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.


Please find below my comments.

From: "Gould, James" <jgo...@verisign.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 8:29 AM
To: Jasdip Singh <jasd...@arin.net>, "regext-cha...@ietf.org" 
Cc: "regext@ietf.org" <regext@ietf.org>, Andy Newton <a...@hxr.us>
Subject: Re: [regext] RDAP-X draft adoption

You state, “Since query parameters are considered part of the identifier for a 
resource”, which seems to discount the use of the query parameter as a client 
option or a preference.  In RDAP, the query parameter is used as an option or 
preference.  A statement was made that RFC 3986 supports your query parameter 
is a resource statement, but what is missed is the definition of a resource in 
RFC 3986 “This specification does not limit the scope of what might be a 
resource; rather, the term "resource" is used in a general sense for whatever 
might be identified by a URI.”, which pretty much means that it’s part of the 
URI.  In REST the query parameters are commonly used to provide client-side 
options and preferences, so with RDAP being a REST protocol we should follow 
the common practice for REST.  A client is not required to use a redirection 
service and the redirection service should not filter the query parameters, 
since it’s not the target of the query.  If there is an inherent issue with 
your implementation of an RDAP redirection service that cannot retain the query 
parameters, then my recommendation is to make RDAP-X (renamed to RDAP-P for 
RDAP parameter) support all query parameters instead of scoping it to just 
signaling extension identifiers.

I won’t distract the thread with my detailed feedback on Appendix A of the 
RDAP-X draft, since much of this thread is covering questionable statements 
made there about “architectural violations” by referencing RFC 3986 as well as 
morphing the ignore unknown query parameters language in RFC 7480 to justify 
the aggregators filtering query parameters.

I believe the best approach is for RDAP to fully support query parameters and 
add support or providing the client parameters via something like RDAP-X to 
address the corner case of RDAP aggregation services that cannot preserve the 
query parameters.  I don’t support the proposal of prohibiting the use of query 
parameters for a subset of RDAP queries (lookups), while pushing an RDAP-custom 
method for providing client-side preferences with HTTP headers.  This will 
enable the creation of RDAP extensions that fully support the REST mechanics 
while providing the option for clients to choose the use of aggregation 
services not supporting query parameters.

[JS] AFAIK, RDAP does not prohibit use of query parameters and offers sane 
advice on how to deal with unknown query parameters. It is just that when it 
comes to content negotiation (extensions in the RDAP world), HTTP would 
recommend using Accept/Content-Type headers, given query parameters for such a 
purpose could be lost when redirecting and those headers won’t. That’s all we 
are proposing with RDAP-X. That way, RDAP would be architecturally better 
aligned with HTTP when it comes to content negotiation, and every new RDAP 
extension wouldn’t need to re-invent content negotiation using ephemeral query 

Are you willing to look to make RDAP-X more generic to support a general query 
parameter alternative?

[JS] Nope, just extensions negotiation. That’s RDAP-X’s hedgehog. :)


From: Jasdip Singh <jasd...@arin.net>
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 12:47 AM
To: James Gould <jgo...@verisign.com>, "regext-cha...@ietf.org" 
Cc: "regext@ietf.org" <regext@ietf.org>, "a...@hxr.us" <a...@hxr.us>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [regext] RDAP-X draft adoption

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links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Hello James,

Allow me to walk through the rationale for preferring built-in HTTP headers 
(Accept and Content-Type) over a query parameter when negotiating extensions 
(content) between RDAP clients and servers.

Firstly, query parameters are part-n-parcel of RDAP, especially for searches. 
Lookups generally involve path parameters.

Furthermore, redirection is also inherent to RDAP, be it for names or numbers 
through RDAP Bootstrap, and additionally for inter-RIR transfer scenarios.

The heart of this debate is whether it is a good idea to use a query parameter 
to negotiate extensions. Since query parameters are considered part of the 
identifier for a resource (say, searching domains by name), when a query 
parameter connotes an extension value (say, simpleContact versus jsContact 
versus jCard), that’s more of a different representation of a resource rather 
than identifying that resource. Further, if there is a non-zero probability 
that a query parameter unbeknown to a server would be ignored, and in all 
likelihood not passed on during a redirection, why pick the query parameter 
approach for promulgating extensions info when there is a sure-shot approach 
with the Accept/Content-Type headers with zero probability of the extensions 
info getting lost during redirection.

RDAP-X would help leverage the purposed, built-in HTTP approach to negotiate 
content (extensions).

Lastly, to help focus this discussion, it would be helpful if you could please 
point out what parts of the “Appendix A. Design Considerations” in the RDAP-X 
draft [1] you might not agree with.



From: "Gould, James" <jgo...@verisign.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 7:46 PM
To: Jasdip Singh <jasd...@arin.net>, "regext-cha...@ietf.org" 
Cc: "regext@ietf.org" <regext@ietf.org>, Andy Newton <a...@hxr.us>
Subject: Re: [regext] RDAP-X draft adoption

I don’t support adoption at this point until there is consensus around the use 
of query parameters for all RDAP queries, including RDAP searches and lookups.  
This is an item that could be added to a section in 
draft-newton-regext-rdap-extensions, but I certainly don’t agree with the 
prohibition of the use of query parameters in RDAP.  The use of HTTP headers 
can be an alternative, but not the only option for providing client-side 




James Gould
Fellow Engineer

12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190


From: regext <regext-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Jasdip Singh 
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6:27 PM
To: "regext-cha...@ietf.org" <regext-cha...@ietf.org>
Cc: "regext@ietf.org" <regext@ietf.org>, Andy Newton <a...@hxr.us>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [regext] RDAP-X draft adoption

Caution: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Hello Antoin, Jim,

Given the ongoing discussion on how to negotiate extensions between RDAP 
clients and servers (using HTTP headers versus query parameters), be it for 
SimpleContact [1], JSContact [2], or versioning in RDAP [3], Andy and I want to 
request a call for WG adoption of the RDAP-X draft [4]. We believe that the 
HTTP headers-based approach could help unify extensions negotiation across the 
RDAP ecosystem.

Jasdip & Andy


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