On Sunday 16 December 2001 10:19, you wrote:


I've tried it out, but had a problem.
With all the disk/partition number combinations I tried, 
(0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,1.0, etc) I always got the message that no reiserfs 
partitions were found.
There was no difference between using -p1.0 or setting the env. 

I looked like the executable didn't really get the disk/part number, it 
displayed always the same (0,0) I think.
I have 3.6 disk format and tested on win2k.
If you want me to do more testing, let me know, I will boot into win.
( btw, Can I compile it myself with bcc32? )

Now the last question. What is the exact numbering of disks?
(e.g. hda1 is that 0.0 or 0.1, or even 1.0, or 1.1)



Since (basic) functionality is there, I think it would not be hard (if 
you know win32) to integrate this more.
(kernel driver, .vxd I think).
So there would simply be additionnal drive letters (ro) for each 
reiserfs partition.
I think I would love it :)

Linux 2.4.16 #1 Mon Nov 26 20:12:24 CET 2001 i686
  2:20pm  up 2 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.38, 0.21, 0.08

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