
   Hmm... is bigpond.com is another fre web-mail stuff to help trolls to grow? :)

On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 08:43:59PM +1100, _nasturtium wrote:

> Interestingly, Hans Reiser defends his business model by stating
> "They wouldn't send an email like this to their medical doctor expecting a 
> free diagnosis. " referring to how users baulk at paying the $25. Well, 
> fortunately public health insurance and bulk billing means my GP doesn't 
> charge me a cent. ;-) Perhaps Hans Reiser should add his opinion...(hint hint)
Hmm. I wonder if you can insure against programmign error? Can you provide a quote of 
insurance pays? :)

> Read the Support page and you find it is used only once every few days! (And 
Hmm... Perhaps this just means a lot of people do not need any support because there 
is no
problems at all ;)

> for good financial reason). It is actually $25 per hour for fsck questions 
> (apparently competitive linux support companies charge $250, but probably 
No. Just for almost any question that will take less than hour answering.

> collapsed by now), and $5000/programmer/month for a SINGLE FEATURE. 
Yuo call that expensive? Ask Miscrosoft how much will it cost to implement $MFT 
packing in NTFS.
Ask how much will it cost to implement file tails packing (we are not speaking of 
small files in MFT) in NTFS.
$5k/month means just only $29 per hour.

> Besides, how can Reiser charge for support on something that other developers 
> contributed to???!!!!
No problems. Microsoft charge for IE support though IE was "stolen" from SpyGlass.
RedHat, SuSE and others charge for support of Linux though other developers 
contributed to it.

And in fact Hans Reiser actually funds reiserfs development. He pays salaries to the 
people developing reiserfs.


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