On Jan 11, 2002  19:59 -0500, Hubert Chan wrote:
> Andrew> Perhaps file(1) should know about such packages, and call an
> Andrew> extracter, and reinvoke itself?
> Yes, so then we need to write another extension to file(1)...

> file also doesn't seem to (currently) handle uncompressing files, and
> checking the type of the decompressed contents, so that's another
> extension that needs to be written.

Well, "file -z" should do this already.

> schedule.tex: LaTeX 2e document text
> schedule.tex: text/x-c++; charset=us-ascii
> I guess I can give this to them, since the file with no -i gave a
> correct answer.  The discrepancy is strange, though, and perhaps it
> illustrates the hardness in keeping a correct set of databases?

Well, part of the issue is that "file -i" uses a different (much smaller)
magic file, so it may be that the LaTeX magic is not in there yet.

Granted, magic is not foolproof (as we all know), but it is mostly good
enough, and if it would (in addition, probably as an option) use the
file extension to help classify some files that would be best.

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger

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