Andreas Dilger wrote:

>On Jan 11, 2002  19:59 -0500, Hubert Chan wrote:
>>Andrew> Perhaps file(1) should know about such packages, and call an
>>Andrew> extracter, and reinvoke itself?
>>Yes, so then we need to write another extension to file(1)...
>>file also doesn't seem to (currently) handle uncompressing files, and
>>checking the type of the decompressed contents, so that's another
>>extension that needs to be written.
>Well, "file -z" should do this already.
>>schedule.tex: LaTeX 2e document text
>>schedule.tex: text/x-c++; charset=us-ascii
>>I guess I can give this to them, since the file with no -i gave a
>>correct answer.  The discrepancy is strange, though, and perhaps it
>>illustrates the hardness in keeping a correct set of databases?
>Well, part of the issue is that "file -i" uses a different (much smaller)
>magic file, so it may be that the LaTeX magic is not in there yet.
>Granted, magic is not foolproof (as we all know), but it is mostly good
>enough, and if it would (in addition, probably as an option) use the
>file extension to help classify some files that would be best.
>Cheers, Andreas
>Andreas Dilger
The file command is the wrong answer, you don't determine the type in C 
by looking at the contents unless you are running gdb, and the 
filesystem is much the same.


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