Looks like the 2.5.74 is the last one of any respectable size. I'm
thinking someone forgot a diff switch (N?) over at namesys...

Hans? Time to long-distance spank someone?

On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 23:56, Tupshin Harper wrote:
> Shawn wrote:
> >This is pretty f'ed, but it's on ftp://ftp.namesys.com/pub/tmp
> >
> Thanks, but I tried applying the
> 2.6.0-test1-reiser4-2.6.0-test1.diff from that location with a lack of 
> success.
> It applied cleanly, but it doesn't add a fs/reiser4 directory and 
> asociated contents. Is there an additional patch, or is this one broken?
> -Tupshin

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